Sunday, May 06, 2007

random ben pics

happy, happy....
still happy.....
stupid me, i didn't bother rotating's so cute though. what do the hula hoop (or, as cam would say "oola oop") have in common? nothing......well, i guess they both belong to someone else....the hoola hoop is cam's and the toothbrush is caden's.....bennett managed to steal something from both of them.

not so happy.......yep, there's a story's long....yes, it hurt!

should i keep this for future blackmale power? the suit may keep the sun out, but it is quite hideous, ya?


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Is that WICKER furniture that I see in the hoola hoop picture? LOL I just found a great white wicker couch at IKEA a couple weeks ago and it was so dirt cheap that I just had to get it for the playroom - looks great, but Kirk is mocking me now... "friends don't let friends buy wicker."


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