Monday, March 05, 2007

85 and sunny

It was such a pretty day on Sunday, we decided to go to the park to let the kids run wild....they all did. I just sat on my blanket in the grass and watched (and took pictures....about 80 of them) was lovely! Here are a few snapshot of the kidlets!

Bennett loves crawling around in (and eating) the grass :o)

Bailey hates to hang out with us anymore, so he brought a friend. They stayed at a "safe" distance from the twins and played with a football. Yes, Caden interfered every chance he got.

With his frustrated look and the wild, wind-blown do, he looks like quite the grump, ya? He was into everything out there.....

Cam, giving his typical camera pose, just had a grand 'ol time.....just a total doll, trying so hard to kick and catch the ball.


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