Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Meeny, Miney, and Mo (Caden, Cam, and Bennett)

Here are a few pictures from the week. Bailey (Eeny) has been hiding at the pool all week, so I don't have any pictures of him. He had golf camp in the morning, and then took off on his bike to the pool until they closed. He is SSSSOOOOOO tan....he is BLACK!!!!!!!

I love these little hats. I found a lady on eBay who makes anesthesia caps, and I got her to make little miniature caps with Curious George fabric. The boys love to wear their little hats....they love George too! Here is Cam with his :o)

Here is Bennett with the one-handed-baby-hold.....it must be a daddy thing!!!! Mommies like their babies to feel close and secure....daddies just drag them around....I don't get it! Look at that fuzzy head :o) I'm sure he will lose all that fuzz and be bald for a while, just like all my other babies :o( I hope he loses it quickly and it grows back quickly!!!!! I hope it stays brown too. Bailey needs a brother with his brown hair. The little blonde-hair, blue-eyed twins don't look anything like Bailey. Bennett has a darker complexion than the pasty white twins, so maybe his hair will stay dark too!

Isn't he adorable? He is gaining weight quickly. All he does is eat, I swear. Every time he wakes up, he freaks out until I feed him. He can't get enough. He is going to be my little fatty!!!!

Crazy crazy Caden. He has this thing about wearing sunglasses....loves 'em! Here he is watching cartoons first thing in the morning with his sunglasses on.......upside down!!!! Duh!!! He doesn't care though.....This picture is SO Caden!!!!!!

Cam could care less about sunglasses.........all he cares about is "baby"...... loves his new little brother. He can't get enough of him. He kisses him all day long. He gets diapers for me. He puts the pacifier in his mouth when he cries. He just adores him. He wants to hold him all the time. I really have to keep an eye on Cam with the baby, because I'm afraid he is going to try to pick him up on his own when I'm not looking......he tries to be such a big brother :o)


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Karen said...

I just love baby pics! Your kids are so adorable!!!

At 3:57 PM, Blogger connie said...

jeez Todd, hold your son. i am going to start calling you brittany spears

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Mel :-) said...

You are so good to get pics of the kids up so often! I am ready to have all our stuff so I can do the same!! Cute nicknames!

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Kris said...

I copied that from Tiff, because she had Eeny, Meeny, Miney, and Mo before I did :o) I mix up all their names ALL the time....I just scream out a name, whichever name comes out!!!

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Kris said...

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