Tuesday, March 13, 2007

these are a few of my favorite things......

"Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat" is one of Caden's new favorite phrases. He doesn't just say it, he yells it and laughs hysterically. If you've seen the real thing, it's funny. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you probably think Caden is retarded. I can assure you he's not (Cam is another story though).

Cam's new favorite thing to say is, "shut up, Caden" when Caden's yelling from his bedroom. Again, he yells it at the top of his lungs. They have no volume control at all.

Bennett's favorite things are waving bye bye, shaking his head no, playing peek-a-boo, knocking down anything the twins build, and putting his arms above his head when I ask, "how big is bennett?" He wants to walk badly. He'll be standing up next to something and all of a sudden let go and lean out.....crash! He's tough though. He can take a spill and just get back up without crying.

Bailey's favorite thing to do is to talk about how cool Bailey is.....enough said! His mouth is growing faster than his body. His mosquito ass better catch up to his alligator mouth really soon, or he's going to feel the wrath of dad's fist pretty soon!

Dad's favorite thing to do is go to work. I can understand why he likes work so much when he gets to take Australian "vacations" courtesy of Uncle Sam. Oh, my job changing diapers and keeping the kids from killing each other is so much more fun than going to Australia (I'll keep telling myself that).

Mom's favorite thing to do is drink her wine and watch grey's anatomy and desperate housewives. T minus 3 weeks until school is over. Life will change around here :o)

Hope everyone out there is enjoying a few of their favorite things too :o)


At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.


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